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Bozena Swietochowska, SQ2NQN


Irina Stieber, DL8DYL

I started at school with ham radio. I got my license in 1988 as Y89RL and did some rag chewing in CW and a little bit in DXing. My first passion was and is high speed telegraphy. From the first days till today I am operating most of the time in CW only.
Later I started with contesting, mostly in short contests, and enjoyed operating from other countries, as J79RL, A35XM, 9Y4/, OE/, EA6/, EA8/ or W1/DL8DYL. For my activities I have to use the station of our local radio club DF0SAX or friendly radio clubs. After I got hooked to more serious contesting I became a member of the Bavarian Contest Club. I am member of the directors board and responsible for the public relations work and the BCC homepage.
In contests I really love to operate in multi-op teams, like at DR1A, DL0XM, DF0SAX and KC1XX. It is an awesome challenge to get a big group focused to win and everything aligned in order to match the goal. In addition it is always a pleasure to meet a lot of your friends and compete against some friends in other teams.
The World Radiosport Team Championship 2014 near Boston was one of my greatest experiences so far. Sandy (DL1QQ) and me were the first ever qualified YL-team. We enjoyed it very much and are very proud to be 21th out of 59 teams.
I hope to hear you on the bands — please call me in every contest, thanks!
73 Irina, DL8DYL


Silvia Naldoni, K1XYL


Jannette Hiu, 9W6HIU


Katsuki Sanae, JT1GVX. Also JJ6GVX

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