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PU1KFF Fabiana - PU5ADX-PU5SIX Erika

Fabiana de Souza Hoelz, PU1KFF and Erika Sprengel, PU5SIX / PU5ADX


Frauke Meinen, DO2FM


RK3FWI, Club Station. Op. Anna Fedonina.


Marilyn C. Barrett, K1ECW and her husband, Dr. Michael Barrett, N4ECW, are the former owners of portable antenna manufacturer, TransWorld Antennas; high efficiency lighting manufacturer, LitePak Systems; and, the chemicals and food consulting firm, Corban Associates.

They formerly sponsored the shortwave radio programs QSO and Radio Disclosure both hosted by Ted Randall.

She is active in the amateur radio community and local civic functions.She sponsors DXpeditions, special event stations, local hamfests, and other amateur radio activities. The Barrett’s continue to provide public relations support to their former company TransWorld Antennas. www.transworldantennas.com

N4ECW’s HF station consists of an ICOM 7700 transceiver powering an ICOM IC-PW1 amplifier. His back-up transceivers are an ICOM 756ProIII, an ICOM IC-746, and a Yaesu FT-897D. His back-up amplifiers include an additional ICOMPW-1 and anAmeritron AL-1200.

TransWorld Antennas TW2010 5 band vertical dipoles are used for 10, 12, 15, 17, & 20 meter DXing. TransWorld Antennas vertical dipoles TW3030, TW4040, TW6060, and TW8080 are used on 30, 40, 60, and 80 meters. Double bazooka antennas are used as back-up antennas on 40, 60, 75/80, and 160 meters.

K1ECW’s VHF / UHF station includes an ICOM 910H and Yaesu 736R with AG-25 & AG-35 mast mounted preamps, an ICOM v8000 2 meter FM rig, and a Yaesu FT-7800 2 meter 70 cm FM rig. When necessary, these exciters power a TE Systems 1454 2 meter 350 watt amplifier and a TE Systems 4452 70 cm 175 watt amplifier.

The antennas include an array of two Cushcraft 26B2 2 meter FM boomers, a Cushcraft 13B2 for CW/SSB, a phased array of 4 each 2 meter and 70cm horizontal loops, and a Diamond v2000a triband 6/2/440 vertical all mounted on a 70 foot tall Rohn 45 tower. The rotor system is a Yaesu 800DXA and the coax is all 7/8″ Andrew hardline. KU4AB loops provide omnidirectional coverage to locate weak signal stations before the beams are employed.

Note: N4ECW and K1ECW own and serve as control operators for two open repeaters atop Pilot Knob near downtown Cookeville, TN: 145.270 (-) PL 123 Hz and 443.200 (+) PL 107.2 Hz.

When in St. Martin, French West Indies, they operates as FS/N4ECW.

EA8MT 2016

Dunia Olivares, EA8MT
2004 EC8ADU * 2005 EA8BHD * 2009 EA8MT

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